Law is a set of rules that govern human behavior and are enforced by governmental and social institutions. The exact definition of law is the subject of much debate. Some scholars define it as a science or an art of justice. Others consider it to be a social science. Whatever the definition, law is a valuable tool that helps guide human behavior.
Rule of Law
Rule of law is a concept that demands that people in authority exercise their powers within an established system of public norms. It also requires the government to operate within the legal framework and hold itself accountable through law when there is a hint of unauthorized action. In short, it is a principle of democratic governance that is based on a commitment to the rule of law.
The principle of the Rule of Law includes institutional requirements, like the independence of judges and courts. This principle connects to the constitutional principle of separation of powers. It is justified by the fact that excessive concentration of power in a society tends to lead to undesirable outcomes. In addition, it gives distinct significance to the stages involved in making and applying laws.
Institutional requirements
Institutional requirements in law are standards that must be met by institutions to remain in compliance with the law. These requirements are in place to ensure the safety of residents of the institution. Essentially, they set the minimum competency standards that must be met by a participating institution. If an institution fails to meet the minimum standards, its accreditation could be at risk.