The Basics of Sports Betting

sports betting

If you’re new to sports betting, you’re probably wondering about the terms and strategies involved. Here are the basics you should know if you’re thinking about making your first bet. You’ll need to learn about point spreads, teasers, and daily doubles. And remember, there are more sports betting strategies than you can possibly imagine! Start by following the betting tips in this article and you’ll be well on your way to becoming a winning sports bettor.

In-play betting

The Gambling Commission has published a report on in-play sports betting that shows that the phenomenon is associated with a greater risk of harm. Specifically, in-play betting allows players to place more bets on the same event than they normally would. Hing et al. (2016) found a correlation between higher in-play betting frequency and gambling-related problems. This study offers important insights for sports bettors looking to make their wagers.

Point spreads

When looking at point spreads in sports betting, you should consider how much you know about each team’s strengths and weaknesses. For example, if the Philadelphia 76ers are healthy and play against the New England Patriots, they would be a 4.5-point underdog. Home-field advantage in basketball and football is often worth a couple points. All of these factors contribute to the final number displayed on the spread.


If you’re familiar with parlays, you’ve probably heard of teasers for sports betting. However, if you’re a novice bettors, you may not be familiar with this form of bet. Thankfully, there are many different ways to make teasers in sports betting. To make the most of your teaser bets, consider placing them on multiple teams. Using a teaser can be a great way to increase your betting profits.

Daily doubles

When making bets on horse races, a daily double is an excellent way to win a lot of money without placing a large bet on a single horse. By betting small amounts on two horses with different odds, a Daily Double can be more profitable than betting on two short-priced horses to win. Here are some tips for betting with daily doubles. o Choose wisely, because you are giving up your autonomy by betting on multiple horses.


If you enjoy betting on sports, you’ve probably heard of accumulators and parlays. While these types of bets require all bets to win, parlays depend on each bet winning as a group. If you’ve ever placed a parlay on a single game, you know how difficult that can be. If all of the wagers lose, your entire bet is a loss. To avoid losing your money, make sure you know the differences between accumulators and parlays.

Futures bets

When placing a wager in sports betting, you can choose to place a futures bet. Futures bets are bets on the results of an upcoming event. You can bet on the outcome of a championship game a couple days or a week before the game, or you can wait until the end of the regular season to place an over/under season win totals bet. This type of betting is increasingly popular with casual bettors and is attracting more wagers each year.