How to Write a Good News Article


The news is the gathered information that has been reported by people or written about in newspapers, magazines, television, radio and online. The news includes events, current issues, politics, crime, and more. The type of news varies by time and place. It depends on the interests of readers and what is considered newsworthy. News articles also include analysis and interpretation.

The information that makes it into a newspaper, onto the TV news line-up or posted on a website is decided upon by a group of people who work for a specific news organization. They are called editors, news directors or gatekeepers and they sift through reports submitted by journalists, assistant editors and others. They look for stories that are interesting, relevant and newsworthy. They are able to make informed judgments about what is and isn’t newsworthy because they have access to resources that help them understand the context of an event, its significance and how it fits into a larger picture.

They are able to consider factors like the geographical and familiarity of an event, its impact or how it compares to other newsworthy events. They can also consider the timeliness of an issue or how soon it is likely to have an effect on a larger community. They may use market research to gauge audience demands but they don’t let that dictate what is or isn’t newsworthy.

A good news article begins with a catchy headline and ends with a conclusion that sums up the key points of the story. A headline should be short and to the point and should be punctuated according to Associated Press style guidelines. A good headline will also allow the reader to decide whether or not they want to read your story. The article will have a byline that lets the reader know who wrote it, which is important for credit purposes and to avoid any potential legal action.

News articles will have a lead paragraph, which summarizes the story and is often written in active voice. This is followed by a few paragraphs of factual information, including quotes from the main characters and a brief summary of the topic. A good lead paragraph will grab the attention of readers and keep them interested in reading your entire article.

It is a good idea to have someone else read your piece before you submit it for publication. This will give you an extra set of eyes to find any spelling or grammatical errors that you might have overlooked. They can also help you trim down sections that aren’t as necessary and simplify awkward sentences.

People are interested in stories about famous people and what they do or have done. They are also interested in things that might affect their health, the environment or their financial security. For example, the weather is a major source of interest and it becomes newsworthy when it does something unusual or unexpected. People are also interested in stories that promote accountability, holding those in power accountable for their actions or decisions.