Automobiles are vehicles designed primarily for the transport of people and their possessions. They are usually powered by an internal-combustion engine that uses a volatile fuel such as gasoline, and they are generally driven by four wheels. A modern automobile is a complex technical system that incorporates many subsystems with specific design functions.
During the first decades of the 20th century, the automobile revolutionized American society by providing the middle class with affordable personal transportation. The 1901 Mercedes, for example, could be purchased for about the same price as a single year’s wages, while Ransom E. Olds’ one-cylinder, three-horsepower, tiller-steered curved-dash car was only slightly more expensive.
In addition to giving many Americans access to work, housing, and leisure activities, the automobile spawned new industries. Gas stations were opened to provide fuel and supplies, tires were sold and replaced in increasing numbers, and highway construction provided thousands of jobs. The automobile also brought harm to the environment, as exhaust from the gas-burning engines contributed to air pollution and caused undeveloped land to be plowed under for road construction.
Automobiles allowed workers to commute to and from work, travel to family and friends’ homes in the suburbs, and shop in cities for a variety of products. These changes enabled families to spend their free time together and encouraged a more relaxed sexual attitude, as teenagers gained the independence of driving and their own cars. Women were able to get jobs outside of the home, and their independence was further increased when they obtained licenses to drive.
The emergence of the automobile was a turning point in social history for many countries. It paved the way for women’s equality in the workplace, which was greatly advanced when they began to drive to work on their own. The automobile also helped push for women’s voting rights in the U.S. In the 1910s and 1920s, women drove around with “votes for women” banners on their automobiles to demonstrate their freedom and support the movement.
In the 21st century, research and development on the automobile has shifted toward a driverless car. This is a vehicle that uses sensors and a computer to monitor the status of the automobile, including its speed, direction, and braking. This system is intended to improve safety, especially on busy roads, and reduce accidents and injuries. The goal is to eventually have a fully automated car that can drive itself on limited-access highways without the need for human intervention. This will require advancements in microchip technology and sensor data. It will also require a massive infrastructure investment in the form of high-speed highways. Until that time, drivers must still pay attention to their surroundings and be prepared to respond quickly to any emergency or accident on the road. This is why it is important to have good auto insurance. Contact your agent for more information.